Service Changes form the 15th of April 2024

4 months ago Thu 14th Mar 2024

Service 83 Thetford Town Circular

Following on from Customer Feedback we will be re-introducing the Woodlands Way Loop to the Thetford Town Circular.

The routes will be re-timed the 82/83.

Service 83 will follow the same route as it does now & service 82 will loop around Woodlands Way / Shelley Way after Anne Bartholemew. To keep to time the service 82 will by-pass Admirals Way.

Thus meaning that both Woodlands Way & Admirals way will have a 60 minute service whereas the rest of the Town will remain at a 30 minute frequency.

New timetable can be downloaded below.

82/83 from 15/04/2024

Service 90 Thetford to Norwich

From the 15th of April we will be adding in 4 more journeys throughout the day & re-time some areas to help with punctuality. The last service from Norwich will now depart at 1740.

On the journeys from Norwich to Thetford the service will no longer stop at Queens Square in Attleborough. The Thetford bound stop will now be at Edenside Road on Connaught Road.

Norwich bound services will remain at Queens Square.

New timetable can be downloaded below.

90 Breckland Beeline from 15/04/2024